
Copyright © 2024 J. M. Spivey
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/* Blocks world */

/* This program takes the Blocks World described in a 2019 exam
question for Artificial Intelligence and formulates its planning
problem as a SAT instance, outputting it in the standard DIMACS format
used by SAT solvers.  It invokes minisat to find a solution, then
interprets the solution to print a sequence of moves. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>

/* panic -- halt with a message */
void panic(char *fmt, ...) {
     va_list va;
     fprintf(stderr, "Panic: ");
     va_start(va, fmt);
     vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va);
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");


#define MAX 100                 /* Max number of literals in a clause */
#define MAXVARS 10000           /* Max number of variables */
#define BIGMAX 1000000		/* Max number of clauses */

int nvars = 0;
char *vname[MAXVARS];           /* Table mapping var numbers to names */

/* make_var -- create a named variable and return its index */
int make_var(char *fmt, ...) {
     char buf[32];
     int v;
     va_list va;

     va_start(va, fmt);
     vsprintf(buf, fmt, va);

     v = ++nvars;
     vname[v] = strdup(buf);
     return v;

FILE *script;                   /* File for outputting the SAT instance */

/* Add a comment to the SAT instance */
void comment(char *fmt, ...) {
     va_list va;
     fprintf(script, "c ");
     va_start(va, fmt);
     vfprintf(script, fmt, va);
     fprintf(script, "\n");

/* The fussy input format of sat solvers requires us to store all the
   clauses just in order to count them and put the count at the top of
   the file.  To help with troubleshooting, the file contains first
   all the clauses in a human-readable format, then the same
   information formatted for the SAT solver, where the variables are
   coded as bare numbers. */

int nclauses = 0;		/* Number of clauses */
int *clauses[BIGMAX];		/* The clauses themselves */

/* add_clause -- add a clause to the SAT instance */
void add_clause(int n, int a[]) {
     int *buf;

     fprintf(script, "c");
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          if (a[i] > 0)
               fprintf(script, " %s", vname[a[i]]);
               fprintf(script, " -%s", vname[-a[i]]);
     fprintf(script, "\n");

     if (nclauses >= BIGMAX) panic("Too many clauses");
     buf = (int *) calloc(n+1, sizeof(int));
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) buf[i] = a[i];
     buf[n] = 0;
     clauses[nclauses++] = buf;

/* dump -- output saved clauses in numeric form */
void dump(void) {
     fprintf(script, "p cnf %d %d\n", nvars, nclauses);
     for (int i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; clauses[i][j] != 0; j++)
               fprintf(script, "%d ", clauses[i][j]);
          fprintf(script, "0\n");

/* clause -- convenient varargs version of add_clause */
void clause(int n, ...) {
     int buf[100];
     va_list va;
     va_start(va, n);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
          buf[i] = va_arg(va, int);
     add_clause(n, buf);

/* set -- unit clause, positive or negative */
void set(int x) {
     clause(1, x);

/* implies -- implication clause */
void implies(int x, int y) {
     clause(2, -x, y);

/* impl_equiv -- clauses for A => (B <=> C) */
void impl_equiv(int x, int y, int z) {
     clause(3, -x, -y, z);
     clause(3, -x, y, -z);

/* one_of -- clauses that say exactly one of a[0] ... a[n] is true */
void one_of(int n, int a[]) {
     add_clause(n, a);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++) {
               clause(2, -a[i], -a[j]);


#define TIME 3                  /* Number of moves */

#define NBLOCKS 3
#define A 0                     /* Genuine blocks */
#define B 1
#define C 2
#define T 3                     /* The table */

#define isblock(x) ((x) < NBLOCKS)

#define for_blocks(b) for (int b = 0; b < NBLOCKS; b++)
#define for_places(b) for (int b = 0; b <= NBLOCKS; b++)

char *place[] = {
     "A", "B", "C", "T"

/* Variables: 
     clear[x][t]       if block x is clear at time t (the table is 
                       always able to fit another block); 
     on[x][y][t]       if block x is on place y (could be the table) at time t;
     move[x][y][z][t]  if block x moves from place y to place z at time t. */

int clear[NBLOCKS+1][TIME+1];

/* create_vars -- create the variables for Blocks World */
void create_vars(void) {
     vname[0] = "?OOPS?";

     for (int t = 0; t <= TIME; t++) {
          for_blocks (x) {
               clear[x][t] = make_var("Clear%s%d", place[x], t);
               for_places (y) {
                    if (x == y) continue;
                    on[x][y][t] = make_var("On%s%s%d", place[x], place[y], t);
                    for_places (z) {
                         if (x == z || y == z || t == TIME) continue;
                         move[x][y][z][t] =
                              make_var("Move%s%s%s%d", place[x], place[y],
                                       place[z], t);


/* init_state -- clauses for the initial state */
void init_state(void) {
     comment("Initial state");
     set(on[A][T][0]); set(-on[A][B][0]); set(-on[A][C][0]);
     set(on[B][T][0]); set(-on[B][A][0]); set(-on[B][C][0]);
     set(on[C][A][0]); set(-on[C][B][0]); set(-on[C][T][0]);
     set(-clear[A][0]); set(clear[B][0]); set(clear[C][0]);

/* goal_state -- clauses for the goal state */
void goal_state(void) {
     comment("Goal state");

/* steps -- clauses to say one action per unit time */
void steps(void) {
     int buf[100];

     for (int t = 0; t < TIME; t++) {
          int k = 0;

          for_blocks (x) {
               for_places (y) {
                    for_places (z) {
                         if (x == y || y == z || z == x) continue;
                         buf[k++] = move[x][y][z][t];

          comment("Exactly one move at time %d", t);
          one_of(k, buf);

/* moves -- clauses describing pre and post conditions for each move */
void moves(void) {
     for (int t = 0; t < TIME; t++) {
          for_blocks (x) {
               for_places (y) {
                    for_places (z) {
                         if (x == y || y == z || z == x) continue;

                         comment("Move(%s, %s, %s) at time %d",
                                 place[x], place[y], place[z], t);
                         // Precondition
                         implies(move[x][y][z][t], clear[x][t]);
                         implies(move[x][y][z][t], on[x][y][t]);
                         if (isblock(z))
                              implies(move[x][y][z][t], clear[z][t]);

                         // Postcondition
                         implies(move[x][y][z][t], on[x][z][t+1]);
                         implies(move[x][y][z][t], clear[x][t+1]);
                         if (isblock(y))
                              implies(move[x][y][z][t], clear[y][t+1]);
                         if (isblock(z))
                              implies(move[x][y][z][t], -clear[z][t+1]);

                         // x is not on anything but z
                         for (int a = 0; a <= NBLOCKS; a++) {
                              if (a == x || a == z) continue;
                              implies(move[x][y][z][t], -on[x][a][t+1]);

                         // Other blocks are on what they were before
                         for (int a = 0; a < NBLOCKS; a++) {
                              for (int b = 0; b <= NBLOCKS; b++) {
                                   if (a == x || a == b) continue;
                                              on[a][b][t+1], on[a][b][t]);

                         // Any other block is clear iff it was before
                         for (int a = 0; a < NBLOCKS; a++) {
                              if (a == x || a == y || a == z) continue;
                                         clear[a][t+1], clear[a][t]);

// read_results -- read back satisfying assignment
void read_results(FILE *fp) {
     int n, k = 0;
     char buf[32], *vn;

     fgets(buf, 32, fp);
     if (strcmp(buf, "SAT\n") != 0) panic("IMPOSSIBLE");

     for (;;) {
	  fscanf(fp, "%d", &n);
	  if (n == 0) break;
	  if (n < 0) continue;
          vn = vname[n];
          if (strncmp(vn, "Move", 4) == 0) {
               char block = vn[4], from = vn[5], to = vn[6], time = vn[7];
               printf("Step %c: move %c from %c to %c\n",
                      time+1, block, from, to);

int main(void) {
     FILE *solution;

     // Create the SAT instance
     script = fopen("clauses", "w");
     if (script == NULL) panic("Can't write script");

     printf("%d variables, %d clauses\n", nvars, nclauses);

     // Invoke minisat
     system("minisat clauses solution >trace 2>&1");

     // Read back the solution
     solution = fopen("solution", "r");
     if (solution == NULL) panic("Can't read solution");

     return 0;